The unveiling of the copper project, Cruinniú na gCrann, took place on Wednesday April 29th at 10am. Students from both 4th classes collaborated with copper worker, Mark Wilson to design and make two copper trees and their own unique creature based on their stories from the More Tall Tales book. Parents and staff also designed copper leaves for the trees which represent strength in our school community. The trees are now wall-mounted in our inner courtyard and will add to the peaceful and meditative environment for all.
The Cruinniú na gCrann artworks project was developed especially to remember Aaron O Flaherty, a treasured classmate whose anniversary is next week. We are very grateful to Dr Bernadette Walsh and Patricia Moriarty, UL Student Affairs Arts Office, copper worker, Mark Wilson, of course, and United Metals and Clear Circle Metals for their financial support of this project. Patricia Moriarty has put together a wonderful power-point of the whole project from its inception and its evolution to the beautiful finished copper trees which are now mounted in the inner courtyard.
A huge “Thank You “ particularly to Siobhan Fenton who brought this whole project together for our school community.