As part of our environmental programme, Biodiversity, towards our fifth Green Flag in 2012, Mr O’Connor, our Green Flag co-ordinator, formed a new committee. On October 8th, the environmental committee went on a field trip to the Burren. A bird-feeder was provided outside each classroom window, and a bird identification chart is provided for each classroom to quickly identify each bird that visits the table. The wildlife area was developed in the spring for explorations in biodiversity.
We also had visits from the environmentalist, Geoff Hunt; acorn planting for profusion of oak trees in home gardens; a visit from Ted Cooke, tree expert to plant a small native woodland and to teach the various classes about trees and a visit from Áine Ní Fhlathartha, Irish Seed Savers, to plant a native orchard. .
Ted Cooke Visit: Ted is a tree educator. He worked with classes from 3rd to 6th planting native trees in our wildlife area. Five hazel, two spindle and one yew tree were planted. Ted told entertaining stories as he worked with the children and enlightened them on the function and benefits of trees.
Goshawk visit: Falconer, Ger O’Neill, facilitated this visit. He showed his goshawk to all children from Junior Infants to Fifth class. He spoke to the children about the life and habits of the goshawk and other birds of prey and their role in the food chain. The children were fascinated by the bird, which they were allowed to hold in some instances.
Goshawk visit with Ger O’Neill Ted Cooke- tree educator
Aine Ní Fhlaithearta from Irish Seedsavers visited the school. She worked with Ms Larkin’s fifth class and planted three native apple trees on the mound next to the raised garden beds.